Monday, August 29, 2016

Charlie's Room

It's finally finished!!!  In the midst of the Great Room Swap we decided to get the flooring replaced upstairs in what is now the big girls' room.  The carpet was gross seven years ago when we moved in and, gasp, would you believe it did not get any better since then???  =)  Once we started moving all the furniture it became very obvious that the carpet had long ago exceeded its shelf life and needed to go.  So we ripped it up and replaced it with some very nice wood flooring but in the interim, all the furniture and everything else up there was stuffed into Charlie's room.  So it was impossible to put the finishing touches on his room or take nice pictures until the big girls' room was done.


It's all done now and both rooms turned out beautifully.   I present to you Charlie's Room!

Now we are truly ready for our travel dates and I'm going to be waiting even more impatiently which I did not think was possible.  And yet...

Thursday, August 25, 2016

And We're Waiting...

...and we're waiting.  Waiting for travel dates that truly feel like they ARE NEVER COMING!!!!!  This is the third trimester, people.  I'm done.  My attitude has plummeted from super excited to super grumpy.  All my best laid plans for this semester are shot to hell because we were supposed to be coming home at this point, not waiting to travel.  Now the girls are back in school and soccer and gymnastics and riding and everything else has started.  I was supposed to be home with Charlie and thus able to chauffeur everyone from activity to activity.  But Brent is doing it by himself, juggling working with getting everyone everywhere on time because I'm still at work and too far away to help most of the time.  In addition, I have been trading days at work, not taking them off, so that I can save my vacation days for when we do travel.  So I've not had a vacation since New Year's and I'm about ready to scream.

(Insert deep breath and large glass of wine here.)

I know, I know.  Want to make God laugh?  Tell him your plans.  I get that this is His timing and all but patience has never been a virtue of mine (ask my mother and my husband).  But I feel like we are stuck in this holding pattern and I'm tired of waiting.

Come on, travel can do it, I just know it!