Sunday, July 3, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Yes, I do know that Father's Day was in June but, as any divorcee knows, you don't always have the luxury of having your children on major holidays, so we celebrate when we can.  This weekend we are all together and what better way to celebrate than with BBQ, beer, fireworks and and a three day weekend?!  

Even though we dedicate a weekend to celebrating fathers, I know for a fact that my husband does not get nearly the recognition he deserves.  So, I'd like to take this moment to let him know how much we truly do appreciate him.

My husband does 90% of our cooking.  He probably does at least 60% of our cleaning.  He is our designated handy man, bug squisher and heavy stuff lifter.  He works full time and is half-owner of our clinic.  He takes call and works nights, weekends and holidays so that our business can be successful.  He parents not only children here but also two he doesn't get to see all the time.  He drives every other weekend on Friday evening after working a full day to pick them up.  A large portion of the time he drives all the way to where they live (about three hours away) so that he can watch a piano recital or softball game.  He then gets home at 1 am and gets up to make us a big breakfast on Saturday morning.  He plans weekend camping trips so we can spend time as a family.  He willingly jumped on this crazy adoption roller coaster with me and has been a major catalyst in getting our paperwork done so quickly.

There are a million more things this man does for us and sadly, often, we forget to thank him as much as we should.  So this weekend, Hubby, is for you.  Though you may not always be doing what you'd like, we are always thankful that you're a part of our lives.  I can't imagine them without you.

Love always,

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