Thursday, October 13, 2016

Day 3, Part 2: Visit Numero Dos

Today's visit with Charlie was just as great as yesterday's.  He was very happy to see us again and it was obvious that the orphanage staff had been prepping him for what lies ahead.  They were referring to us today as Mary, Mama and Brent, Papa whereas yesterday we were just Mary and Brent.  Charlie also kept repeating that Brent was going to take him on a car ride and then on an airplane.  We took the cue and helped him draw things out on paper since a number of things are still lost in translation verbally.  This is a really good development because, remember, the orphanage staff were very skeptical of us yesterday.  Our visit yesterday must have convinced them that we don't completely suck.

As you can see from my Louvre-worthy artwork, Charlie should have no doubts about his journey home.
 Brent told me my stick figure looked like one of the Minions...

Though we came prepared with lots of toys, Charlie's favorite thing to do by far is to watch family videos and look at family photos on our phones.  The ones he likes best are the ones of the girls playing soccer, swimming and riding horses.  We had to eventually tell him it was time to put the phones away or he would have spent the entire two hours playing on them.  It was rainy and cold today so we were unfortunately stuck inside but still managed to play a little indoor game of catch and volleyball.  Kid's got an arm.  We had to tell him to tone it down at one point as we were afraid he was going to break something with the ball he was throwing and kicking it so hard.

I again took lots of photos and videos that I wish I could post.  I tried to get some purposeful footage of Charlie doing specific things so that I can show it to his future educators and therapists and they can get a better idea of what he knows and can do.  Which is A LOT.  He's amazing.

We will visit once a day until Monday when hopefully the director will decide we are as amazing as Charlie is and give us his paperwork so we can set our court date.  I will be posting updates in the meantime.  Until next time...

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