Thursday, October 13, 2016

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Program... bring you a sappy blog post.  Just one, I promise.

I dedicate this post to my incredible, handsome husband.  He has been my rock and an extremely willing companion throughout this entire journey.  When I am hungry, tired, fussy, overwhelmed and/or frustrated, he is calm and collected.  When HE is hungry, tired, fussy, overwhelmed and/or frustrated, he simply smiles and goes with the flow.  99% of what we are doing here is so far out of his comfort zone that you can't even see it with the Hubble telescope yet he has never once expressed anything other than support.  He's learned more of the language, planned more of the trip and thought about more of the details than I ever even considered.  Charlie LOVES Brent and wants to kiss him, hold his hand and wallow in his lap and Brent is so gentle with him.  I am thankful every day for all that Brent is and does but I can honestly say I have never loved him more than I do now.

I couldn't do this without you, babe.  I hope you know that.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I fell in love with my husband all over again during our adoption process, too! God is good! Hugs!
