Sunday, December 18, 2016


I got this email this morning from Brent.  I'm not sure if he wrote it with the intention of me posting it but it reads just like a blog post so I just had to!

This morning has been interesting. Everyone woke up in a decent mood and we had a good breakfast.

Aeson (he responds to his name fairly well) made his bed and insisted on getting dressed before breakfast. He played in his room by himself today for an hour; that's a first. Caught him yesterday writing the letter A on his note pad. He has an imagination, no doubt. He uses one of the cars as a cell phone, calling God knows who. He also uses it as his key to his room.

Mostly writing his email to explain the picture included. He is watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates, usually in silence, but today he is trying to sing along. I was most surprised by him counting along with the coin count they do at the end of the episode.

Kid is going to thrive.

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